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File 138545136680.gif - (737.77KB , 130x130 , 1d9e40750fd09c2c422bbfac639b2cee.gif )
7 No. 7 ID: 7dee60 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
My country have RO2 for the first time. but in Korea.. RO2 is stopped
>> No. 8 ID: 7dee60
File 138545146099.jpg - (126.90KB , 708x1000 , preview0a35cefa6e25775a0b2ca66c68ed77c6.jpg )
>> No. 9 ID: 7dee60
File 138545152449.jpg - (159.93KB , 708x1000 , preview6cb3c73000293293a6099687d73ce1ca.jpg )

File 142490690282.jpg - (353.96KB , 1435x2030 , 01.jpg )
22 No. 22 ID: d8f84b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Have an RO doujin. One of the first ero doujin I ever read.
2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 25 ID: d8f84b
File 142490719234.jpg - (960.31KB , 1430x2018 , 04.jpg )
It's been so long. I forgot to noko.
>> No. 26 ID: d8f84b
Oh, the files are too large for the board to accept.

>> No. 27 ID: 885825
Go try again.

File 142753690566.jpg - (645.45KB , 1000x945 , 48823299_p0_master1200.jpg )
29 No. 29 ID: e4469c hide watch quickreply [Reply]
As if DL Action was not enough an indication...
>> No. 30 ID: e4469c
File 142753697119.jpg - (169.78KB , 500x500 , 48823299_p1_master1200.jpg )
A little too much for you to handle eh, girls?

Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=48823299

File 13849200822.jpg - (353.59KB , 1024x768 , ragnarok_online_wallpaper_hd-1024x768.jpg )
2 No. 2 ID: cbe9b3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
sry.. since this is new Imageboard.. can you type any rule here?
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4 ID: cf4cfc
It's virtually no holds barred. If you have H doujins about RO, cool. H pics? Sure. Videos? Okay. Discussions? Sure. Debates? Hmm why not?
>> No. 11 ID: 7dee60
File 138545216043.jpg - (140.45KB , 579x1000 , previewc8952117af5dde8d36a48e85c584fe4c.jpg )
other than RO? but online game is allowed?
>> No. 12 ID: e011d1
We'll see. Seeing RO isn't the only MMO around, I might consider it.

Hell I might drop the exclusion rule right now.

File 138545119360.jpg - (262.02KB , 800x1131 , e8d529124a8780e2cf98f8f0248e3cdb.jpg )
5 No. 5 ID: 7dee60 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
just random .. SFW image
>> No. 6 ID: 7dee60
File 138545124080.jpg - (61.97KB , 788x1000 , preview4ef9cb05d8381b089a0948f9ebc6247e.jpg )
>> No. 10 ID: 7dee60
File 138545157295.jpg - (167.06KB , 666x1000 , preview7c25b031a548d65f6fbed51f52a10360.jpg )
not sure..
this goes to nsfw or not?

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