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File 137482367586.jpg - (39.25KB , 640x480 , 388477_223338884475896_76758207_n[1].jpg )
1 No. 1 ID: 6c080f
but rebuilding characters from scratch.

1. Setsuna (LB2)
2. Kagami (LB1-2)
3. Sakura (SFZ/A)
4. Karin (SFZ/A3)
5. Shadow Dio (JJBA)
6. Kakyoin (JJBA)
7. Raiya (AngelEyes)
8. Orochi (KOF)

The to-be-done cast

1. Moriya (LB1-2, NGBC)
2. Rimururu (SamSho)
3. Reika (AngelEyes)
4. Goenitz (KOF96, 2K2, 98UM, 2K2UM)
5. Whip (KOF99-2K2)
6. Amakusa (SamSho)

Hi-resing sprites isn't something I want to do right now, unless detailed models of these can be done, and the trick used by ArcSys to make their next iteration of GuiltyGear can be duplicated.
>> No. 4 ID: 10ca85
I remember when I was into MUGEN. It was a lot of fun, though it did cost me a HDD crash.

I became a creator and spent a couple of years playing, but in the end I got bored and quit the community.

Just wanted to post this.

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