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File 137402436629.png - (55.79KB , 2409x1107 , eroge_bunnygirl.png )
1 No. 1
What's this board exactly about? Is it about the posting and discussing of ero-games or just the posting of pictures from erogames?
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>> No. 2
All of the above. :)
>> No. 6
Maybe .swfs could be a supported file format for uploads?
>> No. 7
SWFs. I'll look into that.
>> No. 8
File 13746083731.jpg - (72.08KB , 600x450 , 11.jpg )
I got an upload error trying to post an swf, and then I tried to do it again in order to copy the error message that came up but it seems the file was uploaded, just not posted...
>> No. 9
That's very weird. I'll have that checked.
>> No. 11
File 137494909929.jpg - (249.10KB , 1380x805 , [Artificial Academy] Damn you! v8.jpg )
Just what is the.. um.. "age category" of the images we can upload here?
>> No. 12
Personally, lolis are accepted too. What the upper management wants from me is good enforcement so CP don't get through. This imageboard system I run on ensures I see everything.
>> No. 17
I tried again and got this error message

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mime_content_type() in /home/rotbrc_boards/boards/inc/classes/upload.class.php on line 279

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