Akatsuki tries to prove to you that she's first class lady and not a little girl! Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=49512272
Admiral X Inazuma. Same source as above.
Inazuma gets it... all the way to facial.
And the so-called 'first class lady' files her protest of not being in there.
Bath time with the Admiral! Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49548378
Hey look, it's an encore of Inazuma and the admiral again.
Because Ikazuchi asked nicely and prepared for it, she got her turn. :3
Guess what? Inazuma got her fill again.
And then it's Ikazuchi's turn again, the Admiral indulging on her, and she seems to be enjoying it too.
And now it's Akatsuki's turn, yes?
Wait, why is Ikazuchi on it again?
Stop hogging the admiral and let your sisters have a go!
"Your body pillow? I threw that away, because you have me, don't you?!"
Akatsuki, I hope you haven't had your first period yet, or you'll become more than a lady at that shape.
All together now! With Akatsuki leading, as always.