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No. 35 ID: cf4cfc
2 years ago, I made the 100 days to heaven version of this music, which was covered (or locally, revived) by Fatima Soriano, a blind Marian devotee. The music extremely moved me, that a Vocaloid version had to be done.

The tweaks continue long after the publishing. I've managed to get CD versions of both Fatima Soriano and Angelene Quinto's take of the music.

Having it on stereo made me do more tweaks to the melody and Riza's vocals. Now it closely follows a hybrid of Fatima and Angelene's voice styles. The Japanese version follows Angelene's style more closely.

The vocal choir has also been modified to correct a fundamental lyric error. They now sing "ang bukas ay 'di natin piho" instead of the misheard "ang bukas ay 'di natin biro".

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